
Let's make ordering easier

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Shop with us for over 145 fragrances, high quality products and a friendly service

We have been working this week to make it easier to place your orders, we have created an account area on the website which will hold your previous orders and you can update all of your information such as your contact details.  When you log onto the website you will be prompted to log in, if you haven’t created an account already you can easily do so just click the create button and complete your details.  If you have forgotten your password just ask for a reminder, if we can help at all please don’t hesitate to message, call or pop in and see us.


I hope you all had a great Coronation weekend?  We all enjoyed the longer break and came back to work to get stuck into all of our orders.  The Soap sponges, soap loaves and shower whips have been massively popular this week.  If you haven’t tried soap loaves before they offer excellent profit margins, with a whole loaf working out at 99p per slice with an RRP of £3.50-4, if you take the slices pre wrapped they are just £1.25 a slilce again it’s a massive profit margin!  Our best sellers are bubblegum, ice queen, baby powder and space girl.  Find our whole range here


If you haven’t stocked up on soap sponges now is the time to, they are flying out of the door!  Spring/Summer is definitely soap sponge season with everyone wanting them for pre fake tanning, taking on holiday and getting their skin summer ready!  You can find our whole range here, remember when ordering soap sponges we now offer a made to measure belly band for the large soap sponge, we just need your logo, font and colour scheme and we will get it designed for you!


If you need any help at all placing an order or with product information please let me or the team know, we are here to help!  Enjoy the rest of your week.



The Soap House

Tel: 01617646109

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