New Luxury Liquid Soaps...
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Hi Everyone
Before World Cup fever hits and you all have your feet up in front of the game we thought we would drop you a line with news of some newbie products that you are going to LOVE!!!
In addition to the solid shampoos launched last week we have this week launched our luxury liquid bath and shower gel and our luxury handwash. These are for sale in 1 litre bottles which you can then decant into your own packaging... for those who are really working on being eco friendly we have spoken to customers this week who are running schemes where their customers are bringing their own bottles, pots and jars to be filled - you simiply fill them up and charge them for the amount they use - soooo environmentally friendly and people love it! If you haven't signed up to #plasticfreejuly yet it is worth a look - they are promoting the ways you can cut out plastic - having customers bring their own bottles is a fab way to do this... for those customers based near us you can of course bring your bottles to us and we will fill them for you when you need a restrock.
Find the liquid soap range here until the 21st July we have a 10% discount on any of the new liquid soaps, simply enter LIQUID18 at checkout and it will deduct 10% from your liquids.
Remember until Sunday the 14th you can receive 10% off your Solid Shampoo loaves, enter SHAMPOO18 at checkout.
We also have two new summer bath bombs, the raspberry prosecco and the rhubarb gin - they smell amazing! If you haven't tried the new perfume inspired range that we have yet you need to take a look these are flying out!

Our workshop is closed this Friday (Gasp for the first time ever Gregg has given us a long weekend in summer!) but there is no rest for the wicked! I will be available on email and facebook messenger all weekend so please feel free to drop me a line if I can help with your order.
Hoping the football goes well for those who are watching tonight... have a lovely weekend.
Kind regards
The Soap House Team
Tel: 01617646109
Call into our Workshop
Workshop Hours
Monday-Thursday 9:30 am-5:00pm
Friday 9:30am-3:00pm (Closed Friday the 13th July re opens Monday the 16th July).
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